REU Poster Competition

Congratulations to Isabel!  She won the poster contest for the REU students.  All of the posters and presenters were excellent, making this quite an achievement.  Also, thank you to Aaron for his hard work in mentoring Isabel.  Nice job both of you!

Farewell to Isabel our summer REU student

Yangzi (Isabel) Tian has been working in our lab this summer as part of the “NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Micro/Nano-Structured Materials, Therapeutics, and Devices.”  Many thanks to Isabel for a great summer of research.  We will miss you!

Bianca Receives Goldwater Honorable Mention

Congratulations to Bianca Williams on receiving Honorable Mention in the Goldwater Scholarship Competition.  Only 50 undergraduates receive this distinction nationwide.