Our manuscript, “Microfluidic Production of Cell-Laden Microspheroidal Hydrogels with Different Geometric Shapes”, was published in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. Check it out here!
Category: Publications
Engineered Cardiac Tissue Microspheres Paper Published in Biotechnology Progress!
Our manuscript, “Emulsion‐based encapsulation of pluripotent stem cells in hydrogel microspheres for cardiac differentiation”, was published in Biotechnology Progress. Check it out here!
Andrew publishes in AUJUS!
Congratulations to Lipke Lab undergraduate researcher, Andrew Moore, for publishing his research in the Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship! This work was performed as a part of Andrew’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship and we are so proud of Andrew’s contributions to our colorectal cancer research efforts! Check out his publication here.
Michaela publishes in AUJUS!
Congratulations to Lipke Lab undergraduate researcher, Michaela Bush, for publishing her research in the Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship! The work showcased in this article was performed as a part of Michaela’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship and we are incredibly proud of her contributions to the lab. Check out her article here!
ECFC Microsphere manuscript published in BMC Veterinary Research
Lipke Lab members Dr. Yuan Tian, Dr. Wen J. Seeto, and Dr. Lipke collaborated with the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Auburn School of Veterinary Medicine and employed ECFC microspheres in equine distal limb wound healing. We are excited to announce that this research was just published in BMC Veterinary Research and is titled, “Cell engraftment, vascularization, and inflammation after treatment of equine distal limb wounds with endothelial colony forming cells encapsulated within hydrogel microspheres”. Check out the article here. Congratulations to all Lipke Lab members and our collaborators!
Microfluidic Encapsulation Platform article published in Small
We are so pleased to announce that our manuscript, “Rapid Production of Cell-Laden Microspheres Using a Flexible Microfluidic Encapsulation Platform” was accepted for publication in Small! It was also selected as the inside back cover article. Congratulations to past and current Lipke Lab members, Dr. Wen J. Seeto, Dr. Yuan Tian, Dr. Shantanu Pradhan, Dr. Petra Kerscher, and Dr. Lipke! Check out the article here.
Review Article chosen for front cover of Advanced Functional Materials
Graduate researcher, Nicole Habbit, and Dr. Lipke collaborated on the Advanced Functional Materials review article, “Microphysiological Systems as Enabling Tools for Modeling Complexity in the Tumor Microenvironment and Accelerating Cancer Drug Development”. We are so excited to announce that our article was selected as the front cover article of Volume 29, Issue 22. Check it out here!