Hearts! Lipke Lab showed off pig hearts to 6th-12th graders at the 2024 E-day (February 23) as well as brought fake snow to show how hydrogels work. Special thanks to Kwaghtaver for organizing the biomedical outreach table at this event!
Alt text: Lipke Lab members stand in front of an exhibit table holding half and whole pig hearts. From left to right: Shireen Singh, Justin Harvell, Kwaghtaver Desongu.
Justin and Shireen performed pig heart and hydrogel (fake snow) demonstrations to kids aged 3-12 years at the 2023 GRAND Engineering Challenges as an effort to spark interest in the STEM field.
Alt Text: Shireen and Justin stand in front of a table covered in fake snow, a video of a contracting engineered heart tissue, and a real pigs heart.
Members of Lipke Lab (Mohammad, Shireen, Kwaghtaver, Nipa, and Anaiah) and the Selen Cremaschi Research Group (Dr. Cremaschi, Shenba, and Erfan) lead a day-long workshop to summer REU students at Alabama State University with Dr. Komal Vig covering topics including biomanufacturing of engineered tissues, machine learning for use in decision making processes, and scale up of heart tissue production using machine learning. The workshop composed of interactive presentations and hands-on demonstrations including machine learning demonstrations, cell encapsulations, hydrogel production, and pig heart demonstrations. The event was held on June 30th, 2023.
Alt Text: Shireen, Mohammad, Anaiah, Dr. Vig, and summer REU students gather around a large wooden conference table during a cookie activity for biomanufacturing.
Alt Text: Mohammad and Shireen pose in a lab holding pig hearts.
Lipke Lab participated in the yearly 2023 College of Engineering E-Day event by putting on demonstrations for middle and high schoolers from across the state of Alabama. Pig hearts, hydrogels, and more were demonstrated to students. Read more about the event here.
Justin, Mohammad, Shireen, and Farnaz (a graduate student in Dr. Mistriotis’ research group) performed pig heart and hydrogel (fake snow) demonstrations to kids aged 3-12 years at the 2022 GRAND Engineering Challenges as an effort to spark interest in the STEM field.
Members of Lipke Lab, including Yuan, Nicole, and Peter, introduced high school students to potential future careers in biomedical engineering in both lectures and hands on activities at the Auburn Engineering 2022 SummerExpo. Students were also able to tour Lipke Lab to see what a tissue engineering lab is like.
Nicole and Yuan present to high school SummerExpo students.
Members of Lipke Lab (Dr. Lipke, Mohammad, Justin, Shireen, Zuri, Skyler, and Kayla) and the Selen Cremaschi Research Group (Samira and Shenba) lead a day-long workshop to summer REU students at Alabama State University covering topics including biomanufacturing of engineered tissues, machine learning for use in decision making processes, and scale up of heart tissue production using machine learning. The workshop composed of interactive presentations and hands-on demonstrations including machine learning demonstrations, cell encapsulations, hydrogel production, and pig heart demonstrations.
Mohammad demonstrates hydrogel crosslinking.Justin performs a cell encapsulation of cancer cells within a crosslinkable hydrogel to demonstrate production of engineered tissues.The group takes an end-of-day photo! From left to right: Shenba, Mohammad, Justin, Skyler, Shireen, Zuri, Kayla, and Samira.Samira presents about machine learning.
Check out our YouTube channel here to watch Dr. Yuan Tian introduce the 3D engineered heart tissues produced using our microfluidic cell encapsulation system and learn how they can benefit the drug discovery and development process.
Lipke Lab undergraduate and graduate researchers presented at the 2021 Department of Chemical Engineering Open House. We were very excited for the opportunity to share our work with colleagues, alumni, and visiting students and their families.
Lipke Lab graduate researcher, Justin Harvell, served as the 2021-22 President of the Council of Engineering Graduate Students. In this role, he worked very hard to plan and execute the Graduate Engineering Research Showcase event that permitted 140 students to share their work.