Justin competed in the 2022 3 Minute Thesis competition at the university level and made it to the top 10, from here he competed against the top 10 and won runner-up overall. Watch his 3MT video here.

Justin competed in the 2022 3 Minute Thesis competition at the university level and made it to the top 10, from here he competed against the top 10 and won runner-up overall. Watch his 3MT video here.
Dr. Nicole Habbit passed her final dissertation defense titled “Bioinspired Microphysiological Systems for in vitro Elucidation of Prostate Tumorigenic Progression and Application in Pre-Clinical Therapeutic Evaluation.“
Mohammad, Shireen, and Justin participated in the 2022 10th Annual Graduate Engineering Research Showcase. Mohammad presented his poster entitled “Scalable Production of Engineered Cardiac Tissue Microspheroids with Varying Geometries“, Justin’s titled “Production of Large Heart Tissues Using Stem-Cell Laden Microspheres as Building Blocks,” and Shireen’s titled “3D Differentiation of a Left Ventricular Reporter Stem Cell Line to Produce Engineered Heart Tissues.” In addition to this, Justin coorganized the event as an executive member on the Council of Engineering Graduate Students.
Lipke Lab traveled to San Antonio, TX to present at the 2022 BMES Annual Meeting. Mohammad presented an oral presentation entitled “Stem Cell Encapsulation in Engineered Tissue Microspheres During Suspension-Based Differentiation Provides Enhanced Cardiomyocyte Yield and Cardiac Tissue Functionality.” Yuan presented an oral presentation entitled “Peptide Combinations Support Endothelial Colony Forming Cells Dynamic Adhesion,” as well as the poster “Production of Breast Cancer Hydrogel Microspheres for Drug Screening.” Dr. Lipke presented an oral presentation titled “3D Engineered Prostate Cancer Tissues for in vitro Investigation of Fibroblast Impact on CRPC and ADPC.” Justin presented a poster entitled “Stem Cell-Laden Microspheres as Building Blocks for Large Cardiac Tissue Production.” Ravi presented a poster entitled “Adaptation of Microfluidic System for Use in Scalable Cell Encapsulation.”
Justin, Mohammad, Shireen, and Farnaz (a graduate student in Dr. Mistriotis’ research group) performed pig heart and hydrogel (fake snow) demonstrations to kids aged 3-12 years at the 2022 GRAND Engineering Challenges as an effort to spark interest in the STEM field.
Members of Lipke Lab, including Yuan, Nicole, and Peter, introduced high school students to potential future careers in biomedical engineering in both lectures and hands on activities at the Auburn Engineering 2022 SummerExpo. Students were also able to tour Lipke Lab to see what a tissue engineering lab is like.
Members of Lipke Lab (Dr. Lipke, Mohammad, Justin, Shireen, Zuri, Skyler, and Kayla) and the Selen Cremaschi Research Group (Samira and Shenba) lead a day-long workshop to summer REU students at Alabama State University covering topics including biomanufacturing of engineered tissues, machine learning for use in decision making processes, and scale up of heart tissue production using machine learning. The workshop composed of interactive presentations and hands-on demonstrations including machine learning demonstrations, cell encapsulations, hydrogel production, and pig heart demonstrations.
Kayla Edwards and Zuri Rashad, two 2022 summer undergraduate CASE-REU students in Lipke Lab, presented their summer research at the 2022 CASE-REU Research Symposium on July 22, 2022. Kayla presented her work entitled “Scaffold Supported Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Laden Microsphere Heart Tissues,” and Zuri presented her work entitled “Production of Engineered Cardiac Tissues Through Differentiation of Self-Formed Aggregates Using Left Ventricular Reporter Cell Line.” With the completion of the program, Kayla will continue her research at her home institution, Alabama State University, collaborating with Lipke Lab and Zuri will begin graduate school at University of California Irvine getting her PhD in chemical engineering.