Lipke Lab traveled to San Antonio, TX to present at the 2022 BMES Annual Meeting. Mohammad presented an oral presentation entitled “Stem Cell Encapsulation in Engineered Tissue Microspheres During Suspension-Based Differentiation Provides Enhanced Cardiomyocyte Yield and Cardiac Tissue Functionality.” Yuan presented an oral presentation entitled “Peptide Combinations Support Endothelial Colony Forming Cells Dynamic Adhesion,” as well as the poster “Production of Breast Cancer Hydrogel Microspheres for Drug Screening.” Dr. Lipke presented an oral presentation titled “3D Engineered Prostate Cancer Tissues for in vitro Investigation of Fibroblast Impact on CRPC and ADPC.” Justin presented a poster entitled “Stem Cell-Laden Microspheres as Building Blocks for Large Cardiac Tissue Production.” Ravi presented a poster entitled “Adaptation of Microfluidic System for Use in Scalable Cell Encapsulation.”