Peter was named the 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Student in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Peter was recognized at the College of Engineering’s awards ceremony, congratulations Peter!

Peter was named the 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Student in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Peter was recognized at the College of Engineering’s awards ceremony, congratulations Peter!
Peter, an undergraduate in Lipke Lab, was awarded an NSF-GRFP. This is a prestigious award and is greatly deserved; Peter will be attending graduate school for a PhD after he graduates this year. Congratulations Peter!
Dr. Lipke was selected as one of the awardees of the 2023 Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award. She was nominated by her graduate students as well as other graduate students within the department of chemical engineering for her leadership and devotion to mentoring her students. Congratulations Dr. Lipke!
Shireen presented a poster at the College of Engineering’s Graduate Engineering Research Showcase in Huntsville, AL to industry professionals and the general public. Her poster presentation was titled “Differentiating a Left Ventricular Reporter Cell Line in Scaffold-Free and Hydrogel-Supported 3D Engineered Heart Tissues.”
Ravi presented a poster at the 2023 Auburn Research Symposium entitled “Adaptation of a Microfluidic System for use in Scalable Cell Encapsulation” and won the first place in the overall College of Engineering category. Congratulations Ravi!
Mohammad, Shireen, and Ravi presented at the 2023 Auburn Research Symposium. Mohammad presented an oral presentation entitled “Scalable Production of Engineered Cardiac Tissue Microspheroids with Varying Geometries,” Shireen presented a poster titled “Directing HiPSC Differentiation Towards Left and Right Ventricular Cardiomyocytes in a Scaffold-Supported 3D Construct,” and Ravi presented a poster titled “Adaptation of a Microfluidic System for Use in Scalable Cell Encapsulation.”
Lipke Lab participated in the yearly 2023 College of Engineering E-Day event by putting on demonstrations for middle and high schoolers from across the state of Alabama. Pig hearts, hydrogels, and more were demonstrated to students. Read more about the event here.
After successfully defending her dissertation in November of 2022, Dr. Nicole Habbit was hooded by Dr. Lipke at her PhD graduation in December of 2022.
Lipke Lab celebrated the accomplishments of the year by visiting the Callaway Gardens Christmas light tour.
Justin defended his preliminary proposal entitled “Directing HiPSC Tissue Differentiation Towards Left and Right Ventricular Cardiomyocytes for Use in Large Cardiac Tissue Assembly.” The group celebrated afterwards by eating at Bombay Indian Grill.