Members of the Lipke Lab, including Dr. Lipke, Nicole, Mohammad, and Justin, presented two posters, one rapid fire, and three oral platform presentations at the 2022 SFB Annual Meeting. Mohammad was awarded both a STAR award and an honorable mention and Justin was awarded the Tissue Engineering SIG poster competition award. Congratulations to all! We were very excited for the opportunity to share our work with the biomaterials community.
Year: 2022
Peter is Named a Goldwater Scholar
We want to wish a huge congratulations to our undergraduate researcher, Peter Abraham, who was named a Barry M. Goldwater scholar. Throughout the past several years, Peter has made numerous outstanding contributions to our cancer research projects and is highly deserving of this prestigious award! For more info on Peter’s research and the Goldwater award, check out this news release. This semester, Peter also had his research published in PLOS One, won 1st place at the AIChE Regional Conference Technical Presentation competition, and was elected to serve as the Auburn AIChE Internal Vice President. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, Peter! We are so proud of you!
Ravi wins at AIChE Regional Conference
Congratulations to Lipke Lab undergraduate researcher Ravi Nataraj for winning 2nd place at the AIChE Regional Conference Poster Competition for his work, “Adaptation of a Microfluidic System for Use in High-Throughput Drug Screening”. Ravi was also recently elected to co-lead the BMES Design Team and will work towards developing a cost-effective, adjustable foot and ankle prothesis specifically targeted to female populations. This design will enable a multitude of shoe options ranging from tennis shoes to high heels! Keep up the awesome work, Ravi!
Dr. Lipke and Nicole Present at AACR Annual Meeting
Dr. Lipke and Nicole recently had the wonderful opportunity to attend and present at the 2022 AACR Meeting in NOLA. We were excited to learn about the newest advances in cancer research, meet with collaborators, and share our work towards developing pathophysiologically-relevant tissue engineered cancer models!

Mohammadjafar Awarded AHA Predoctoral Fellowship
We are ecstatic to announce that Lipke Lab graduate researcher, Mohammadjafar Hashemi, was awarded a 2-year American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for his research studying the link between cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Since being awarded the fellowship, Mohammadjafar had the opportunity to be a guest on the Auburn Engineers #GINNing Podcast. Click here to listen to him discuss his research and his plans for the future. Congratulations, Mohammadjafar!

Lipke Lab Presents at the 2022 Auburn Student Research Symposium
Justin and Mohammad did a great job today sharing our cardiac tissue engineering research at the 2022 Auburn Student Research Symposium!

Learn About Our Engineered Heart Tissues!
Check out our YouTube channel here to watch Dr. Yuan Tian introduce the 3D engineered heart tissues produced using our microfluidic cell encapsulation system and learn how they can benefit the drug discovery and development process.
Mayra Graduates!
We would like to wish a huge congratulations to Lipke Lab graduate researcher, Mayra Paez, for graduating with her Master’s degree this fall! Her thesis was entitled, “Encapsulation of equine mesenchymal stem cells in injectable PEG-fibrinogen microspheres for local cell delivery”.

Lipke Lab Presents at AU CHEN Open House
Lipke Lab undergraduate and graduate researchers presented at the 2021 Department of Chemical Engineering Open House. We were very excited for the opportunity to share our work with colleagues, alumni, and visiting students and their families.

Justin Serves as CEGS President
Lipke Lab graduate researcher, Justin Harvell, served as the 2021-22 President of the Council of Engineering Graduate Students. In this role, he worked very hard to plan and execute the Graduate Engineering Research Showcase event that permitted 140 students to share their work.