This summer, our Lipke Lab undergraduate researchers spread out across the world (literally) to enrich their undergrad experience and broaden their knowledge through internships, fellowships, and study abroad opportunities. Joshita Suresh was accepted to the HudsonAlpha BioTrain Internship program and spent her summer in Huntsville, AL, with our collaborators, CFD Research Corporation. Emma Hicks traveled to Dublin, Ireland with the UA in Ireland: Chemical Engineering program. In between exploring castles, Emma took Transport Phenomena and Stem Cell Bioengineering courses at University College Dublin. Hanna Hammons was hard at work at a co-op with Procter and Gamble. Andrew Moore and Michaela Bush were both awarded the AU Undergraduate Research Fellowship and spent all summer right here in the Lipke Lab. The rest of our many undergraduates spent their time either in the lab or taking courses at Auburn!