Lipke Lab Celebrates Over Ice Cream
You scream, we scream, we all scream for ice cream while celebrating the accomplishments of this semester! Lipke Lab celebrated over ice cream for the many awards, fellowships, and inductions into prestigious groups for the last four months. We are super proud of the group and certainly enjoyed the delicious ice cream.

Alt Text: The Lipke Lab group sits on a green patch of grass in front of a downtown area for a silly photo. From left to right: Callie, Shireen, Dr. Lipke, Anowar, Kwaghtaver, Elham, Justin, Nipa, Mohammad, Yuan, Benjamin, Alison, and Emma.
Shireen’s AUsome Science in 60 Seconds Video Wins
Shireen Singh competed in the 2024 AUsome Science in 60 Seconds video competition hosted by the Council of Engineering Graduate Students and won CEGS Most Creative Video award.

Alt Text: Shireen stands in front of a CEGS background on a red carpet holding a large check and an award plaque.
Kwaghtaver Wins at the NOBCChE Hampton University Collaborative Spring Meeting!
Kwaghtaver presented at the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) collaborative spring meeting at Hampton University on April 18-19 and won 2nd place in the poster competition! Congratulations Kwaghtaver!

Alt Text: Kwaghtaver (right) stands in front of his poster discussing his data with an attendee of the event (left).

Alt Text: Kwaghtaver (center) stands in front of a screen that says “2nd Place” next to a presenter (left)
Lipke Lab Undergraduates Awarded URFs
Congratulations to Alison, Benjamin, Emma, and Sean for being awarded undergraduate research fellowships (URF). We are excited to see your progress and look forward to the awesome work you guys do in Lipke Lab!

Alt Text: A group of students stand together in front of a red brick building. Alison stands on the far left and Emma and Sean stand on the far right.
Shireen Wins 100+ Women Strong Department Fellowship
Congratulations to Shireen Singh for winning the 2024 department of chemical engineerings 100+ Women Strong Outstanding Departmental Graduate Student Award.

Alt Text: Shireen stands in front of a college of engineering backdrop holding her fellowship award recognition in her hand.
Yuan Presents Colorectal Cancer Microsphere Poster at AACR
The annual American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) conference was held in San Diego, CA this year from April 5-10. Yuan had a blast sharing about the colorectal cancer microsphere work through a poster at AACR. His poster was titled “Tissue Engineered Colorectal Cancer Microspheres For Drug Screening.”

Dr. Lipke Inducted into American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows
We are extremely proud to announce that Dr. Lipke was inducted into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows on March 25, 2024 at the ceremony in Arlington, VA. The College of Fellows recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to engineering and medicine research and is a prestigious distinguishment that represents the top 2% of medical and biological engineers . Dr. Lipke’s work is making substantial impact in the field of cardiology and cancer treatment and her work is crucial to the translation of research in the field of medicine. Visit this link to read the college of engineerings article in which Dr. Lipke was interviewed. We are so proud of you Dr. Lipke!

Alt Text: Dr. Lipke stands in-between two individuals of AIMB holding her inductee certificate.
Auburn Research Symposium Presentations! Lipke Lab Presents 2 Oral and 2 Poster Presentations
Lipke Lab had a blast at the 2024 Auburn Research Symposium (March 26, 2024). Two oral and two poster presentations were presented.
Benjamin Gusekaran, poster: Scalable Production of Microfluidic Devices for Hydrogel Microsphere Production
Kwaghtaver Desongu, oral: 3D In Vitro Model of Colorectal Cancer in Insulin-Sensitive and Insulin-Resistant Microenvironments
Mohammad Hashemi, oral: Enhancing Engineered Cardiac Tissue Maturity for Studying Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

Alt Text: Mohammad Hashemi stands at a podium positioned in front of a tv which shows his title slide.

Alt Text: Kwaghtaver Desongu stands at a podium positioned in front of a tv which shows his title slide.
Alison and Emma win at AIChE Southern Regional Conference!
Congratulations to Alison and Emma on winning at the AIChE Southern Regional Conference! Alison won 1st Place in the Student Poster Competition and Emma Kim won 1st Place in the Technical Presentation Competition and qualified for the national presentation competition that will be held in San Diego, CA later this year. We are proud of you guys, congratulations!

Alt Text: Emma (left) and Alison (right) stand outdoors next to railing.
Lipke Lab Presents at AIChE Southern Regional Conference
Alison, Benjamin, and Emma presented at the 2024 annual AIChE Southern Student Regional Conference hosted at Auburn University on March 15th-16th, 2024. Their presentations were fantastic and we are excited for these undergrads in our lab!
Benjamin, poster: “Scalable Production of Microfluidic Devices for Hydrogel Microsphere Production”